A large group of family, former students and friends gathered at the Babbitt-Embarrass pool to recognize and honor Mr. Richard J. Niss on Saturday, December 18th, 2010 for his commitment to students, faculty, district, community, and the sport of swimming.
Mr. Niss has been involved with swimming and many other roles within schools and education in this area. His involvement began in 1965 as Head Swim Coach for 12 years.
Other roles throughout the years have included business manager for the former Babbitt School District, assistant principal, community education director,student council and honor society advisor among others.
Following his "retirement" in 1989, he continued to provide support to many school districts in the state as a school finance consultant.
Mr. Niss has been a leader and mentor to many of us in this community and area as was evidenced by the testimonials given on this day in regards to his leadership and support.
Thank You Mr. Niss!